Monday, September 20, 2010

Welcome to the neighborhood

Welcome to the neighborhood....yup, that's what we are thinking now that someone stole from us! Someone stole stuff from our car Sunday night/Monday morning. So sad and disappointing because they stole mostly from our kids. They took all the money in the boys wallets, stole the dvd player and stole Tim's Ipod. The cops think it was a kid because they didn't steal the GPS nor did they take the actual wallets (just the money not even the gift cards) It makes me sick. I don't understand why people can't keep their hands to themselves. We didn't tell the boys though, we told them that we took the dvd players out of the car. I don't know if it was the right decision for sure because could we have taught the kids a lesson as to WHY you never ever take something that doesn't belong to you? But we chose not to tell them and hopefully we can replace the dvd player soon. As for the money, we will replace that and they won't know either. In a way we just want to keep them inocent feeling. If that makes sense. I wish parent's would teach their kids right and wrong. We live in a gated community so therefore, it's most likely one of our neighbors. Another question is....wouldn't you notice if your kid all of a sudden had a dvd player or an ipod? I mean money yea a parent might not but the others....I dunno. And if it wasn't a kid and someone else well....all I can say is KARMA. Hopefully if the stuff is pawned we'll get it back. We also found out that a few houses down from us got hit too. So, atleast it wasn't just us.....and that house....a cop lives there! How sad.

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