Friday, October 16, 2009

Guardian Angel

I am positive we have a Guardian Angel...or several! I swear my mama must be watching down! Ivy was in her carseat still from running to the grocery store. I have a cake to make for tonight, and I had moved a 2 baking dishes, one inside the other. I put the baking dishes on the counter. I reached for something and the BOTH fell and the one inside shattered RIGHT NEXT TO IVY! I couldn't believe it. And she doesn't have a scratch on her and there's no glass in her carseat or anything. Now, there was glass pieces and particles all over my kitchen and I stepped on 2 pieces, but she didn't get touched. I am so thankful and I swear it was a Guardian Angel that made it not touch my sleeping princess!


  1. Wow, Deanna! That is incredible. Angels ARE everywhere!

  2. Thank God Deanna. He does great things. Take care of you!!!
