Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Alex's 1st day of Pre-K

Today was Alex's 1st day of Pre-K. He did so well! I was so proud of him. He was not scared to get on the bus or anything!! He marched right up onto it like he has been doing it for years! He let the aide buckle him up and left Mommy with a big cheesey smile before he left. His bus picked him up at 11:55am and he got home today about 4:25pm. I asked him what he had for lunch and he said he had "nana's" (bananas) but I think he also had sketti lol (leftovers but who knows) He came home wearing the same outfit he went in which is HUGE because that means NO ACCIDENTS!!!! I am so proud of my lil big man!!! I can't believe how fast he's growing up. It truely is bittersweet. He said he had alot of fun at school today, so that made me really happy! He was a little bit of a bear this evening. But I was completely expecting that as it was a long first day for him! And yes Mama did cry but he's my baby.....


  1. Woo Hoo! What a big boy, congrats buddy!
    Love, Uncle George & Aunt Jess

  2. Sounds like a great first day. He is so cute. So he goes half days?

  3. He is so grown up already........ I am glad you have the awesome privilege of being home with your kids all day.. Make the best of each day... Love you all, Mom
