Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dad Dollars

This has been the best chore chart ever I think!!! My kids LOVE it! As do we!!!!! I actually got the idea from a family fun magazine. And then I just ran with it! Here's the deal...we made 'Dad Dollars' on the computer with Tim's face in the middle!!! Then, I got a the biggest dry erase board I could find and then came up with a chart. It was some trial and error coming up with the right way to get everything to fit on it but I finally got it!!! I wrote out Eric's chores (age 6) and Alex's chores (age "almost' 3) , Overtime, and Mom's Market!

The way we do it hear (because I am not a morning person so I don't want Eric getting up and trying to do a ton of chores to earn Dad Dollars lol) They can earn $2 each in the morning by doing their morning chores and then $2 each in the evening by doing their evening chores. I don't remind them to do their chores either! And they are pretty basic (I don't want to make them not enjoy things either! But I will add more to their daily chores as they get older and what not) But they each have their own "Bank" (an envelope) and every morning (and evening) I just put their $2 on top of their envelope and lay it on the kitchen Island, They see it there and usually have already completed their chores therefore the money is theirs!

We also added in "Overtime" So, they can earn more money since the max a day they get are $4 from their regular chores. Overtime for instance If Eric reads to Alex he gets $1, if Alex listens to Eric's story he gets $1. Take out the garbage from the bathroom $1 each room. Vaccum living room $5. But they must finish their regular chores in order to do Overtime!!!

Then, there's the "Mom's Market" Where I made up some things that they can get if they give me some money. For example, Pop with dinner $3, Have a friend sleep over $25, Go to Chuckee Cheese $30, Have a movie night $8, Go to the movies $30.
If one child wants a movie night only the one child has to pay altho my boys wanted a movie night the other night and decided to split the cost so it was $4 each! I was pretty proud!!! \

O and each Dad Dollar is worth 10 cents. So, they have to give me $10 Dad Dollars for $1 real money!!!

I am completely loving this concept! It is teaching my boys so much already! Counting money, saving money, responesabilty, independence, and so much more!! Plus it's making it so it doesn't cost Tim and I so much money! Instead of shelling out real money each week or whatever It's only occasionally! It's so much nicer on our wallet that's for sure!!! And the kids just LOVE this!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a neat idea. I hope it continues to work. I may have to steal that idea when my girls are older. :)
