Friday, July 23, 2010

Power of Prayer!!!

Yet again, never fault the power of prayer!! My lil Ivy bean came thru the surgery with flying colors! We are home now and she's doing awesome!!!! The surgery was actually very quick! We got there at 7:15am. Did all the pre-op stuff. They let me take her back to give her the anethesia (sp). That was at 9am. At 10:36 the doctor came out to talk to us! There was actually a lot of blood going into her lungs. He ended up closing the pda (the hole in her heart) with a little coil. And what a difference that made! He showed up the video about 10 minutes after doing that and there was no more blood flow there! She was super groggy yesterday. Pretty much slept until 4pm. She ended up vomitting at one point and had an elevated tempature. But they gave her some tyelnol and she was fine! She slept the way home and when we got home, she seemed very happy to be back in her environment! She slept all thru the night last night too. I've so very proud of her and she's doing fantastic. I'm very thrilled to have this surgery behind us now. I agian thank everyone for their prayers. God is good!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. WHAT A RELIEF!! I am so glad to hear that things went so well and little Ivy is home already. What a brave, strong girl! ♥
